Topic: Serialize Notes

I only just noticed that GameObject notes are not serialized/saved anywhere in .scene/.asset/.meta files. Serializing notes would be extremely helpful when collaborating with others, much like comments in code. This might be tricky since notes don't use an actual Component...maybe you could use an editor script to listen for scene saves, and serialize all Notes into some separate file, like one under ProjectSettings/ using SettingsManager.

Re: Serialize Notes


It's designed so that notes are not stored in GameObject, so as not to affect the build.

The notes are stored in:
Assets/Plugins/Infinity Code/Ultimate Editor Enhancer Settings/References.asset

In future versions, I plan to split all the things stored in this file into separate files so you can better control what needs to be shared and what doesn't.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: Serialize Notes

As I wrote above, the notes are stored in References.asset file, so you need to include this file in your version control system to share notes.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

4 (edited by Rabadash8820 2024-03-18 15:47:20)

Re: Serialize Notes

Okay, finally responding after a year... Apologies for the delay, I don't check this forum very often and haven't been working in a project with UEE for a while. I can confirm that un-ignoring `References.asset` in version control allows notes to be shared between machines. You mentioned splitting up that file. It would definitely be great to have notes stored in a separate text file; I was disappointed to see that they're stored in binary. Anyway, thanks for building this great asset!