Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Another thing that I noticed (perhaps related to point 2) many buildings have the mapping out of phase. If you place a straight line in orthogonal view you can see that the windows are all misaligned.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. Optimized.

2. Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce the problem.
A screenshot is attached.
Perhaps the problem only occurs for a specific elevation provider.
Which elevation provider are you using?

3. Fixed.

4. This building contains the number of levels and the height.
Height has a higher priority, and therefore the part of the building that should be 14 (4 * 3.5) meters high is 166 meters high.
I don't think prioritizing the number of levels is the right way to go because it can create problems in other buildings.
So such problems will need to be solved manually.

In order not to wait for the release of the next version, send me an email ( and I will send you modified files.

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Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

5. Fixed together with problem 3 (this is the same problem).

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. Great i can test it
2. Could it depend on the Unity version? I am using 2018.4.27f1 and have also tested on 2018.3.9f1.
In general, are buildings cropped crooked at the base generated in your test?
I have been using your asset for maybe 3 years now and the buildings have always been cut according to the shape of the terrain

However attached the screen of my generation data

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

3. Great!
4. Attached the image also shows the data of the building inside Westpac Palace.
I found the building on google and it has 33 floors (3.5m * 33 = 115m, your system finds 116 so the height is correct).
Why does the system find two buildings in the same spot?

Now I'll send you an email to your address, so i can test all, Thanks!

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. It is highly unlikely that the problem is in Unity Editor version.
I just tested SRTM30 and it works correctly on my side.
Yes, the bottom of all buildings follows the relief.

4. RWT generates multiple buildings, because in OSM this building marked as multiple buildings.
For OSM, this is not a problem, and no one will see artifacts if it is drawn in 2D or 3D without textures.
But in Unity, when buildings have textures, you can see it.
By the way, if you select this building in OSM in edit mode, OSM will show several warnings that this building is not marked up correctly.

I played around with this building a bit and what I can add to help you with buildings like this: … 6.mp4?dl=0

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Hi Alex, I tested all.

3,5. Perfrct! The mapping problem is gone, it works very well!

1. see the attached image. I have not found changes compared to before, but this time I realized that if I search for "Roof" the filter finds both normal buildings and those with only the roof.
Have you by chance tried to create afterwards the buildings that had only the roof and some were not created?
What did your optimization consist of?

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Building Manager shows buildings that have a specified tag (key or value, in whole or in part).
But buildings are not automatically selected.
You need to press the button next to the building.

The buildings are sorted alphabetically and 809336380 is not listed.

Optimized the code to make this window display and filter list items as quickly as possible.

3,5. Nope, not perfect.
After I sent you the scripts when I played around with the compound building, I found and fixed a couple more things.
It is not visible until you know that it is there.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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34 (edited by Loryer 2020-11-20 09:47:35)

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. I can't understand why your buildings aren't cut down. I have tested all the providers that I could and with all of them it gives me the problem. Maybe Bing is the best but I remember that in some areas of the world Bing did not find sources while other providers did.
The blue area is a particular point where the terrain has not been generated smoothly.

It would be enough, as I had already written, that the buildings were generated up to point 0. Going in depth, these errors would disappear.

Maybe it could be an idea

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

I double checked but I understand that some buildings that are filtered have both roofs and walls. Check this tag you see in the image.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

6. As I had already written to you I can't find the menu to attach the buildings to each other based on the material.
In the attached image you can see all my menus.
Could you please tell me again, if you see it, where the Real World Terrain Container / Finish / Combine buildings is located

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. I will try to debug this, but it will take some time.

1. This building has a tag with the key "roof".
That's why Building Manager shows it.
Filter by key is very important and I use it much more often than the value filter.

6. Screenshot is attached.

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Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

6. Oh, ok, I'm sorry I didn't think it could be there, great!

I tested, however, there is a problem regarding the roofs.

It would be an idea that the united buildings also had their own roofs or that there was another object with all the roofs. At the moment the first grouped object, in addition to the material of the buildings, also has all the roofs and the other objects instead do not.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. Forgive me I cannot understand the use of this Building Manager. hmm

How can I know the correct tag to identify buildings that have no walls or no roofs?

In the attached image you find a screenshot of an older version (don't look at the names of the buildings) where roofs and walls were still separated. I had created a script that allowed me to identify all those "errors" without one of the two objects so that I could go and delete them in one go.

It is not useful for me to have stunted buildings, I prefer to eliminate them.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. I generated an area with the settings you showed in post 29.
The result had the problem you wrote about.
This is due to the fact that your area has a very low Heightmap Resolution.
In other words, the bottom of the building is more accurate than the terrain.
If you increase the Heightmap Resolution, the problem will be solved.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. Added the ability to specify what exactly you are looking for (key or value), and added the Select All button.
So now you can quickly filter, select and remove roofs.

6. Fixed. Buildings without walls were causing the problem.

I have sent you the latest version of the scripts by email.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. I'm really sorry Alex but I don't understand what Key and Value are.
I tried to filter with all the options but in the list there are always both buildings with only the roof and other complete ones.
In the image you can see it well

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

6. Are you sure you understand my observation? I find no differences from before. hmm
Walls with the same material stick together correctly.
However, all roofs are attached to the first merged game object it creates.
So if I had to move the second game object all its roofs remain still as anchored to the first object.

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. Screenshot is attached.

6. RWT combines buildings in the minimum amount of meshes.
To achieve the minimum amount of meshes, all roofs are combined first, then all walls.
If you have a small number of buildings, then all will be combined into one mesh.
If you have a large number of buildings or they have many different materials (in some cases RWT can create materials), then buildings will combine up to 65k vertices or 64 materials into one mesh.
In your case, all the roofs and part of the walls are in the first mesh, the rest of the walls in the second and third meshes.

It is much easier to combine the walls and roofs of the same building into one mesh, but it will increase the number of meshes that need to be created.
But it doesn't make sense, because you can't modify the combined buildings anyway.

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Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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45 (edited by Loryer 2020-11-20 14:46:34)

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. Ok, your observation is partly correct as the building is cut in a straight line while, increasing the Heightmap Resolution the terrain will have an irregular shape.
Maybe you could add in the RWT creation tab a Value that increases the growth of buildings downwards, so that if someone needs it they can boost it and not suffer from this problem.

I can't increase the Heightmap Resolution more than 513 cause point 7.

So if this happens I will be forced to lower all buildings by at least 1 or 2 meters. Manually lowering only the "wrong" ones would mean wasting too much time on 10K of buildings.
This bad trick will lead to incorrect heights and many buildings that end up under the terrain.

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

1. Great!!!
I'm sorry, I also tried that filter but I don't know why the result didn't satisfy me. Now I have tested well and if I filter for values works great!

6. Ok, I'll use the attach system like this, good, thanks!

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

7. Your system cannot create a difference between sea level and the coast line. The higher my Heightmap Resolution is, the more I can recreate a better the coast line, but even if the value of Heightmap Resolution were very high your system couldn't create the coast line.

So I have to work with the brush to lower the sea level on all the land tiles on the coast line (see image).
I also use Relief Terrain Pack and I'm going to color all the tiles on the coast line with the correct textures so that the sand and rock are realistic according to the geographical position.

My terrain often covers dimensions such as 200 Km2.
So I can't increase the number of terrain tiles too much, not even the Heightmap Resolution otherwise, despite the help of clipping, I have big Frame drops.

It would be amazing if you could create this altitude difference that you see in the second part of the attached image.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. I will try to add an option to make the bottom of the buildings follow the terrain heights instead of the real world values.

7. Real World Terrain (window) / Terrains / Generate Underwater - ON.
But keep in mind that RWT only generates Underwater where elevation values are missing.
This may be slightly different from what you see on the texture due to the low resolution of the source elevation data.
In addition, sometimes the source data contains errors, for example, the source data has a height at sea, and this is just a ship.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. Thanks a lot Alex

7. I know these problems unfortunately for this reason I was wondering if it was possible to add an option (obviously that does not reflect the geographical reality) that independently from the "generate underwater" checkbox could allow you to create that type of descent towards the seabed.
I deal with naval simulation and all my scenarios are used in a space between 500 meters from the coast line and 5 km inland.
So every time I have to go digging all the terrain by hand and it takes a really long time ... not to mention that I can't create that descent in such a definite way, having a circular brush, despite the smooth I create a lot of steps.

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

8. Have you ever thought of adding a system that also manages the night hours by turning on the emessive parameter of the shader of the materials of the buildings?

Example: according to the time of day or according to the intensity of the light (which in any case increases and decreases according to the time of day) to switch on the lights of the houses.

In my case it is "easy" because I have 4 textures tiled for each type of building: Albedo, Metal, Normal and Emessive.
What do you think about it?

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