Topic: Tiling Shader Buildings

Hi, attached you will find two images that describe how I generated the buildings and an example of applied shader.

Having a shader with a tile texture, how can I get a correct texturing for all the generated buildings?

the second image I attach to the next post


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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Here the second screenshot

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings


Thanks for reporting the problem.

I added to the material setup the ability to generate Tile X based on perimeter, and Tile Y based on height.

The new version will be available in 24 hours.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Great! But do you think this will be an automatic process or will I need to manually modify each material of each object?
I often create 10K to 30K of buildings and by hand it would be impossible: /

Thanks a lot anyway

5 (edited by Loryer 2020-11-17 07:46:56)

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Since you have been so quick and kind, I propose another problem.
As I said I create many buildings and each is a drow call. This slows down my system a lot and I often have to add very aggressive clipping in order to keep everything on stage.

Would it be possible to have an option that allows to merge, by type of associated material, all the meshes of the buildings into one?

Example: if I use 5 different materials to create the buildings, by enabling the check, I could only have 5 objects instead of 30K ?!
That would be great, I would have crazy FPS savings!

The option would be 100% functional if it could be enabled even after the buildings have been created.
The system often generates buildings with very wrong heights (see attached image) and therefore it is necessary to eliminate these errors first (press cancel on objects). If I immediately create the single object I no longer have the possibility to edit it and therefore the function becomes useless: /

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

You will need to enable 8 checkboxes in the RWT window, and regenerate the buildings.

Thanks for your useful request.
I will try to implement combining buildings with the same materials.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Thank you so much Alex!
I'll wait for the new version and let you know if everything works.
Let me know when it's online

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

OK, I'll let you know.
Note: this will be version 4.5.6.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Ok, perfect

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

The new version is already available through the built-in update system.
In the Asset Store, the new version is likely to be available in 24 hours.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Then I test the system and let you know
There are other things I wanted to ask you if it was possible to improve

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Hi Alex, I couldn't figure out how to unify the buildings.
Have you insert a command in some menu or is there a checkbox I haven't seen?

However I tested the work on the tile and let's say it works: now all buildings have the same tiling differentiated by material!!!
I wanted to offer you a perhaps more intuitive modification of the system you have currently set up.

Instead of inserting two new variables when creating the buildings, why don't you just make the mapping proportional to each other (exactly as it is now after the two ticks) and allow the user to modify it through the shader settings?
Attached you will find an image that I hope will clarify what I mean.

In this way I can apply different materials during the generation of the buildings and I always have the possibility to modify at the same time all the buildings that have that particular material. If I change the shader texture, it will change the tile and I will still be able to go and adjust the shader settings to improve it.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Forgot to write: Real World Terrain Container / Finish / Combine buildings with same materials.

These options were added due to a building generation issue in previous versions of RWT.
I was able to find a way to work around this issue so that these options are no longer needed.
I will remove them in the next version.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Ok Alex, so in the meantime I re-introduce some other problem / implementation that I would like your asset to have.

Sometimes only roofs or walls are created and therefore the building is not complete. You can see attached image.
It would be appropriate to automatically eliminate these buildings so as not to have to go and look for them by hand among the 10K that are generated.
Or these objects could be named differently (for example Error) so that they can be filtered and found in the hierarchy.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Some buildings are spawned cut or with strange shapes. This results in the system perceiving an incorrect intersection point with the terrain and generating the building in the air.
A similar problem happens when I go digging the terrain for some reason. The buildings end exactly when they come into contact with the ground, so they remain cut off in the air.
See example image.
One solution could be to generate the buildings up to point 0 so that they also fall below the level of the terrain and do not create this type of problem

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Some buildings lose the mapping and this is the result (see attached image)

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Some buildings are generated overlapping and this leads to flickering problems.
This "flaw" was not present in the older versions, it could be a less than perfect implementation of some recently added functionality

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

Thanks for the bug reports.
I need some time to check all your messages.

1. This is not a bug. This is the building that has the roof tag.
The most convenient way to search for such buildings is using Real World Terrain Container / Utils / Building Manager.
Enter roof in the filter and this window will show you all buildings with this tag.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

2. The screenshot has very strange building names.
Buildings were generated in the old version of RWT and then renamed, right?
If so, is the problem still present in the latest version of the asset?
If the problem is still present, please show the OSM Meta component of the building + mesh name (this contains the id of the building) so I can test it.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

3. Please show the id and OSM Meta component of the building that has the problem so I can test it.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

4. Most likely these are compound buildings.
OSM can have buildings that have multiple levels.
I know about such buildings, but have never seen them.
Please show the OSM Meta component of the building that has the problem so I can test it.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

22 (edited by Loryer 2020-11-19 14:07:14)

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

I used the tool you proposed (Building Manager)

With so many buildings it's really slow, I work with this PC:

- Intel Core i7-7820 2.90GHz (8CPU)
- 32GB RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

and scrolling through the list or typing in the default search field was really slow.

However it worked well.

Attached an image where I hope you can understand something more of this problem.
There are many meshes that have only roofs or only walls

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Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

(The names in my last image are strange because I renamed them for other reasons)

Sorry, I'm testing both your asset versions in parallel, an older version appears in that image.
I redid the screenshot on the latest version as well. Unfortunately the problem persists.

I am working on the Sydney buildings behind the Opera House. In the pictures I have highlighted all the IDs, I hope they help you

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Attachment icon 02.jpg 376.91 kb, 98 downloads since 2020-11-19 

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

many buildings have this problem, however an example image is attached

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Attachment icon 03.jpg 416.8 kb, 113 downloads since 2020-11-19 

Re: Tiling Shader Buildings

In Sydney there are really many examples of these overlaps, in other cities that I have generated it did not happen to me.
Attached you can see example

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