Since you have been so quick and kind, I propose another problem.
As I said I create many buildings and each is a drow call. This slows down my system a lot and I often have to add very aggressive clipping in order to keep everything on stage.
Would it be possible to have an option that allows to merge, by type of associated material, all the meshes of the buildings into one?
Example: if I use 5 different materials to create the buildings, by enabling the check, I could only have 5 objects instead of 30K ?!
That would be great, I would have crazy FPS savings!
The option would be 100% functional if it could be enabled even after the buildings have been created.
The system often generates buildings with very wrong heights (see attached image) and therefore it is necessary to eliminate these errors first (press cancel on objects). If I immediately create the single object I no longer have the possibility to edit it and therefore the function becomes useless: /
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