26 (edited by jaisingla 2020-02-04 06:41:44)

Re: using texture and terrain offline

I have generated mbtiles using tilemill and then extracted those tiles in z/x/y format to .png. Now, how can i place it in custom directory structure ? I have tried with /{zoom}/{x}/{y}
with texture height and width of 256 x 256 , format png and max level 19

Re: using texture and terrain offline

You have two ways:
1. Rename your tiles in the format "{zoom} / {prefix}{x}x{y}.{ext}".
For example: 19 / osmm7x12.png.
Where prefix is the provider id.
Copy your tiles in the folder "{PROJECT FOLDER} / RWT_Cache / Textures".
Select a provider with the specified id (for the example above, this is Open Street Map / Mapnik).
This will trick RWT and it will use your tiles.
2. Create a local server (for example, using OpenServer), upload your tiles to the server, select Provider - Custom, and specify the url pattern to download your tiles.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: using texture and terrain offline

I went for option 2.
Installed one http server and pushed tiles directory structure in to this.
tiles are reachable as http://localhost:8080/12/2926/1708.png from browser.

Now , i kept http://localhost:8080/{zoom}/{x}/{y} in the custom provider
and texture width 256, height 256, format png, and max level 19.

Still textures are not generated and it is not throwing any errors too.

Re: using texture and terrain offline

Your url contains the file extension, and you need to use this in the pattern.
It should be:

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: using texture and terrain offline

Alex Vertax wrote:

Your url contains the file extension, and you need to use this in the pattern.
It should be:


Tried this one also. still it is stuck on generate textures

Re: using texture and terrain offline

1. Try to clear the texture cache.
2. Make sure that Unity Editor has access to your server.
https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReferenc … quest.html

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: using texture and terrain offline

working smile

33 (edited by jaisingla 2020-02-06 10:24:45)

Re: using texture and terrain offline

Now, I have downloaded dem offline in .asc format .

I have my own tile server to serve tiles. But when I am generating terrain using RWT it is not coming correctly .

It seems heights and images are not properly mapped. Attached is the screen shot.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon rwt_mumbai.png 329.42 kb, 118 downloads since 2020-02-06 

Re: using texture and terrain offline

What should I see in your screenshot?
I do not have access to your local server, and I can not test this.

Also, I don’t know how you got your tiles.
I remember that you exported them.
But here the problem may be a little earlier:
How did you generate mbtiles?
Are you sure you had the correct tiles in mbtiles?

Also, where did you download dem from?
If you didn’t download it using RWT Helper, you are sure that this is correct data, because on the Internet there are two (at least) different sets of SRTM data that have the same filenames but are not compatible.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: using texture and terrain offline

You are right. there was some issue with elevation file.
working now.