Topic: using texture and terrain offline
my machine is not connected to internet .
I have SRTM data and texture available offline with me in my machine.
Please help to ingest same to real world terrain ..
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Infinity Code Forum → Feature Requests → using texture and terrain offline
my machine is not connected to internet .
I have SRTM data and texture available offline with me in my machine.
Please help to ingest same to real world terrain ..
You can already do this.
Copy SRTM elevations (zip or asc) to the folder "{PROJECT FOLDER} / RWT_Cache / Heightmaps".
To use local tiles:
1.Create a local server. For example, using: winginx, openserver, denwer, etc.
2. Copy the tiles to the local server.
3. Start the local server.
4. Select "RWT / Texture / Provider - Custom".
5. Specify URL of your tiles.
1. SRTM elevation in .tif format doesnot work?
2. we have a geoserver for texture ... what is format to fetch tiles from geoserver.
3. Is shapefile may be loaded offline too?
1. No.
For SRTM supports ASC format.
For SRTM30 supports HQT format.
SRTM30: … age_1.html
2. PNG or JPG.
Projection: WGS84 WebMercator.
Size: 256x256 px.
3. What do you mean by "shapefile"?
PNG or JPG is ok but what should be url in my case as geoserver users wms services etc.
shapefile means vector ESRI .shp file . building shapes are also available from these.
URL to one image (tile), where the values of ZOOM, X and Y are replaced by tokens.
RWT does not support SHP files.
RWT generates buildings based on OSM data.
Can't you guys customise Sw to take texture from local machine path. How to use osm data offline??
Please explain in detail why you need it.
RWT is an editor extension and can generate terrains only in Unity Editor.
I understand when users need to generate textures from their own tiles.
But I see no reason to use local versions of heightmaps or OSM data.
Maybe I just missed one of the scenarios of using RWT.
If so I would like to know about him.
Hello Alex,
some of users like us have our own heightmaps, texture version locally in geotiff format mainly. so to ingest our own data offline mode is needed. Secondly, my machine is not connected to internet so i need to do everything offline. It will be handy for our type of users to have provision for offline data handling.
You can manually place your tiles into "RWT_Cache\Textures\{zoom}\{prefix}{x}x{y}.jpg",
where {prefix} is the ID of the tile provider.
You can see this in RealWorldTerrainTextureProviderManager.InitProviders.
OSM files you need to place into "RWT_Cache\OSM\{type}_{bry}_{tlx}_{tly}_{brx}.osm"
where type is the data type (buildings, grass, roads, trees),
tlx, tly, brx, bry - coordinates of the boundaries of the area (left longitude, top latitude, right longitude, bottom latitude).
Hello Alex,
thanks for replying.
we are doing tiling using gdal_tile is it correct ? how to do tiling compatible with your tool ??
Unfortunately, I do not know what gdal_tile is and what features it has.
You need to make such tiles: … rojection/ is utility to generate tiles offline but, i am not sure that it generates tiles compatible with RWT..
maptiler is priced product . Please suggest some way to generate offline tiles..
Why do you need it?
You want to split one big image into tiles for RWT, right?
If so, then you do not need to do this.
1. Generate terrains without textures.
2. By the boundaries of your large image and terrains, calculate the pixel position top-left and bottom-right corners.
3. Cut the required part of the big image using any graphics editor.
4. Scale the image to make sides dimension of 2 ^ N.
5. Import this image into Unity and use it as SplatPrototype.
I thought using multi level tiles it will implement level of details inside rwt. I will try suggestions made by you.
Hello Alex,
I have tried to put texture over 1x1 terrain tile. it works well.
but while increasing no of tiles for terrain how to handle texture part?
As i have already purchased tool , but not able to locate splatprototype & postprocessing tool in that.
I want to use current position tool under game mode; how to do that ?
It does not matter how many terrains it has.
I made a little helper for you.
Place this in Editor folder, and open Window / Pixel Position Helper.
SplatPrototype is a Terrain Texture.
how to apply terrain texture when terrain is 2x2 or 4x4 or 16x16 and more ?? it will be great if we can have tiles using gdal2tiles . request you to look in to this ...
I don't see Pixel Position Helper in window/ tools/ utils
I have latest version of RWT . In documentation many things are mentioned such as postprocessing of textures that is also not seen
Using the utility I sent in the previous post, get pixel coordinates for terrain, and use them to create a texture.
Again, I do not know how gdal2tiles works.
I never used it, and I did not see it in action.
It's not enough just to look at it.
It's necessary to test this on a specific task that I do not have.
Why "window / tools / utils"?
I wrote "Window / Pixel Position Helper".
Screenshot postprocessing tools is attached.
Hello Alex,
Yeah I could locate pixel position helper . My 4 terrains are of the size 78x152 . Image size inside unity is 4096x8192 whereas outside it is very big. Now what should be image width and height i should be putting for calculation positions.
Width: 4096
Height: 8192
Hello Alex,
Image looks stretched and not looking proper with these steps ..
Please send a screenshot of your RWT settings including coordinates, your image and the coordinates of the image borders.
I will check it.
Can not we use any one of these for tile generation.
I will post screen shot tomorrow .
if possible please share your skype id for discussions
What is it?
Is this some kind of linux shell script?
I use Win10, and absolutely do not know what it is and how to use it.
I long time ago answered your PM, and gave my skype id.
Infinity Code Forum → Feature Requests → using texture and terrain offline
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