Topic: Missing definitions with EasyRoads3d
I've got the latest version of EasyRoads3d (2.5.8) and when I attempt to integrate it into RWT I get the following errors. There are a few more, but all related to the same missing definitions. Sure enough, the definitions aren't there. Is there a workaround?
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS1061 'RoadObjectScript' does not contain a definition for 'ODDODDCCDCs' and no extension method 'ODDODDCCDCs' accepting a first argument of type 'RoadObjectScript' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Terrain.CSharp.Editor D:\Unity\Terrain\Assets\Infinity Code\Real World Terrain\Scripts\Editor\RealWorldTerrainOSMRoad.cs 245
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS1061 'RoadObjectScript' does not contain a definition for 'OQOQCQOOOQ' and no extension method 'OQOQCQOOOQ' accepting a first argument of type 'RoadObjectScript' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Terrain.CSharp.Editor D:\Unity\Terrain\Assets\Infinity Code\Real World Terrain\Scripts\Editor\RealWorldTerrainOSMRoad.cs 250
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS1061 'MarkerScript' does not contain a definition for 'OCOCQCQODD' and no extension method 'OCOCQCQODD' accepting a first argument of type 'MarkerScript' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Terrain.CSharp.Editor D:\Unity\Terrain\Assets\Infinity Code\Real World Terrain\Scripts\Editor\RealWorldTerrainOSMRoad.cs 261