1 (edited by swampy 2016-01-28 16:38:11)

Topic: Missing definitions with EasyRoads3d


I've got the latest version of EasyRoads3d (2.5.8) and when I attempt to integrate it into RWT I get the following errors. There are a few more, but all related to the same missing definitions. Sure enough, the definitions aren't there. Is there a workaround?

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line
Error    CS1061    'RoadObjectScript' does not contain a definition for 'ODDODDCCDCs' and no extension method 'ODDODDCCDCs' accepting a first argument of type 'RoadObjectScript' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    Terrain.CSharp.Editor    D:\Unity\Terrain\Assets\Infinity Code\Real World Terrain\Scripts\Editor\RealWorldTerrainOSMRoad.cs    245

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line
Error    CS1061    'RoadObjectScript' does not contain a definition for 'OQOQCQOOOQ' and no extension method 'OQOQCQOOOQ' accepting a first argument of type 'RoadObjectScript' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    Terrain.CSharp.Editor    D:\Unity\Terrain\Assets\Infinity Code\Real World Terrain\Scripts\Editor\RealWorldTerrainOSMRoad.cs    250

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line
Error    CS1061    'MarkerScript' does not contain a definition for 'OCOCQCQODD' and no extension method 'OCOCQCQODD' accepting a first argument of type 'MarkerScript' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    Terrain.CSharp.Editor    D:\Unity\Terrain\Assets\Infinity Code\Real World Terrain\Scripts\Editor\RealWorldTerrainOSMRoad.cs    261

Re: Missing definitions with EasyRoads3d


Real World Terrain supports only EasyRoads3D v2.5.5.
When using EasyRoads3D another version, you get a compilation error.
This happens because EasyRoads3D has obfuscated code.
Integration with EasyRoads3D in the current version is left for compatibility.
In Real World Terrain v3 we already removed the integration with EasyRoads3D v2.x.
In EasyRoads3D v3 must be API, so we will make integrating again when it will be published.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Missing definitions with EasyRoads3d

Excellent - thanks for the fast reply. I understand smile