Topic: [SOLVED] 2D markers causing lags on some devices
Hi there,
I'm a bit confused since my problem is quite illogical and I haven't found a similar topic in this forum yet.
I added a 2D marker on my map (which is a tileset displayed on a canvas, following your tutorial) and in the Unity Editor, I can see the marker fine.
On a OnePlus and a brandnew Samsung S23 smartphone, my colleague sees the marker as well and can move the map around, everything fine.
However, I have tested on two other devices (an old Xiaomi and a Samsung S21) and there I can NEVER get the marker insight. Once I try panning to the marker's location, the map freezes and then, after a short delay, "jumps over" the marker's location so that it is never in view. It feels like I can basically move the map around a "blind spot" that is the marker's location and every time I try to access this blind spot, the map skips it.
Once I disable the marker, I can of course freely move the map around on all my devices, so the issue definitely comes from something related to the marker.
Just wanted to ask if anyone has ever come across something similar before I start debugging super thoroughly. Weird performance issues or some setting missing? I'm so confused.
Thanks in advance.