Hello Alex,
thanks for the quick reply.
I almost thought so but I wanted to at least make sure.
Google's pricing is terrifying. Since I just need a simple (but styled) 2D map for the android game I'm planning, I never really looked at the google maps SDK for unity since I saw it was 3D. Because I played around with the google maps android sdk in android studio a bit ago I did notice the sudden extreme price changes all over the different google maps services (I think it was 2018). I had planned to initially also use the roads api but decided not to because of the horrible pricing. I don't understand why they keep the maps android sdk free (or if it will inevitably suddenly cost a lot...)
Thanks for telling me which providers use map styling that really narrows down my choice!
Mapbox seems really powerful and exciting concerning the styling options from what I've seen so far.
I'm a bit confused about the pricing though.
the 25.000 unique users per month pricing seems to only apply to the Maps SDK for mobile and not for using Raster Tiles directly, so I'm not sure how the pricing really works.
I'm guessing your online maps plugin uses the Raster Tiles Api directly so it might not apply here?
I did try loading a mapbox map on my pc and on my android phone from unity but the only thing showing up in my mapbox account is the usage of the Raster Tiles API showing 750.000 requests as free (see image). So it might not care that I accessed it from an android device.
Don't worry, I'm aware that the presets are for testing purposes, I won't abuse that.
I'm actually really amazed that they are included so you can start playing around directly.
Post's attachments mapboxTiles.jpg 18.46 kb, 117 downloads since 2020-05-03