Topic: Issue with WMS URL Projection EPSG3857 Handling

I am working with the OnlineMaps plugin and experiencing an issue when loading a WMS map with the EPSG:3857 (Web Mercator) projection. Even though I have adjusted the URL to use EPSG:3857, when the map loads, the screen goes black, and a question mark icon appears, indicating that there is an issue with loading the map correctly.

Based on the documentation and examples I have seen in Atlas Example (Custom WMS Provider), the custom WMS provider URL uses EPSG:4326 (Latitude/Longitude), but I would like to use EPSG:3857 for the coordinates in the WMS URL.
Here is a brief description of the problem I am facing:

WMS URL Requirements:
The URL I am using for the WMS server requires EPSG:3857 for the BBOX coordinates. The URL looks as follows:


Issue Encountered:

When the map is loaded, the screen turns black, and a question mark icon appears on the screen, indicating that the map is not loading correctly. I have verified that the WMS URL used follows the correct format with EPSG:3857.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screenshot 2025-01-31 105941.png 24.39 kb, 1 downloads since 2025-01-31 

Re: Issue with WMS URL Projection EPSG3857 Handling


Please look at the last part of your url:
These are not geographic coordinates.

You have two ways:
1. Configure your server to work with coordinates.
2. Find a way to convert the coordinates from the map to these values.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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