Topic: Overlaying a single image using a shader

When you need to overlay a single image on a map, the best way to do it is on the shader side.

This way has two huge advantages:
1. It's really fast.
2. It's elevation friendly.

You can only have one such overlay at a time.

Requirement: Tileset Control.

How to use it:
1. Download the script and shader for your Render Pipeline.
Built-in RP - TilesetWithOverlay.
URP/HDRP/Custom RP - TilesetWithOverlay Graph.
2. Import this into the project.
3. Add TilesetOverlayUsingShader component to the map GameObject, and configure the fields.
4. Set the shader to Tileset / Materials & Shaders / Tileset Shader.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon TilesetOverlayUsingShader.cs 1.37 kb, 125 downloads since 2023-07-27 

Attachment icon TilesetWithOverlay Graph.shadergraph 207.62 kb, 112 downloads since 2023-07-27 

Attachment icon TilesetWithOverlay.shader 2.2 kb, 112 downloads since 2023-07-27 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Overlaying a single image using a shader

Hi Alex,

is there a working example of those country layers somewhere?


Re: Overlaying a single image using a shader

No. I just found a picture on the internet that fits the meaning.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.