Topic: iOS Drawing API

I came across an issue while loading Shapes on iOS device using the Drawing API.

In Unity Editor I save and load Shapes without any issue.

On iOS device when loading shapes I get vertical lines from North to South poles of the earth.
I attach an image to see the issue on the device.

Below is my code for loading and saving shapes:

// Function to load shapes from PlayerPrefs
    public void LoadShapes()
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Shapes")) return;

        string xmlContent = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Shapes");
        OnlineMapsXML xml = OnlineMapsXML.Load(xmlContent);

        if (xml != null) {

            foreach (OnlineMapsXML shapeNode in xml)
                if ( == "Line") {

                    string pointsStr = shapeNode.Get<string>("Points");

                    pointsStr = pointsStr.Replace("[", "");
                    pointsStr = pointsStr.Replace("]", "");
                    string[] pointsArray = pointsStr.Split(",");
                    List<OnlineMapsVector2d> points = new List<OnlineMapsVector2d>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointsArray.Length-1; i += 2)
                        double x = double.Parse(pointsArray[i]);
                        double y = double.Parse(pointsArray[i + 1]);
                        points.Add(new OnlineMapsVector2d(x, y));

                    OnlineMapsDrawingLine shape = new OnlineMapsDrawingLine(points);

           = shapeNode.Get<string>("Name");
                    shape.color = shapeNode.Get<Color>("Color");
                    shape.width = shapeNode.Get<float>("Width");



                if ( == "Poly")

                    string pointsStr = shapeNode.Get<string>("Points");
                   // Debug.Log(pointsStr);

                    pointsStr = pointsStr.Replace("]", "");
                    pointsStr = pointsStr.Replace("[", "");

                    string[] pointsArray = pointsStr.Split(",");

                    List<OnlineMapsVector2d> points = new List<OnlineMapsVector2d>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointsArray.Length; i += 2)
                        double x = double.Parse(pointsArray[i]);
                        double y = double.Parse(pointsArray[i + 1]);
                        points.Add(new OnlineMapsVector2d(x, y));

                    OnlineMapsDrawingPoly shape = new OnlineMapsDrawingPoly(points);

           = shapeNode.Get<string>("Name");
                    shape.borderColor = shapeNode.Get<Color>("Color");
                    shape.borderWidth = shapeNode.Get<float>("Width");



                if ( == "Rect")
                    string tmp9 = shapeNode.Get<string>("BottomLeft");
                    string tmp8 = shapeNode.Get<string>("TopRight");


                    tmp9 = tmp9.Replace("><", ",");
                    tmp9 = tmp9.Replace(">", "");
                    tmp9 = tmp9.Replace("<", "");
                    tmp9 = tmp9.Replace("X", "");
                    tmp9 = tmp9.Replace("Y", "");
                    tmp9 = tmp9.Replace("/", "");

                    tmp8 = tmp8.Replace("><", ",");
                    tmp8 = tmp8.Replace(">", "");
                    tmp8 = tmp8.Replace("<", "");
                    tmp8 = tmp8.Replace("X", "");
                    tmp8 = tmp8.Replace("Y", "");
                    tmp8 = tmp8.Replace("/", "");

                    string[] pointsArrayBotLeft = tmp9.Split(",");
                    string[] pointsArrayTopRight = tmp8.Split(",");

                    OnlineMapsVector2d botLeft = new OnlineMapsVector2d(double.Parse(pointsArrayBotLeft[0]), double.Parse(pointsArrayBotLeft[1]));
                    OnlineMapsVector2d TopRight = new OnlineMapsVector2d(double.Parse(pointsArrayTopRight[0]), double.Parse(pointsArrayTopRight[1]));

                    OnlineMapsDrawingRect shape = new OnlineMapsDrawingRect(,;

           = shapeNode.Get<string>("Name");

                    string l = shapeNode.Get<string>("Color");
                    string l2 = shapeNode.Get<string>("BackgroundColor");

                    l = l.Replace(")", "");
                    l = l.Replace("RGBA(", "");

                    l2 = l2.Replace(")", "");
                    l2 = l2.Replace("RGBA(", "");

                    string[] rgba = l.Split(",");
                    Color color1 = new Color(float.Parse(rgba[0]), float.Parse(rgba[1]), float.Parse(rgba[2]), float.Parse(rgba[3]));

                    string[] rgba2 = l2.Split(",");
                    Color color2 = new Color(float.Parse(rgba2[0]), float.Parse(rgba2[1]), float.Parse(rgba2[2]), float.Parse(rgba2[3]));

                    shape.borderColor = color1;
                    shape.backgroundColor = color2; //shapeNode.Get<Color>("BackgroundColor");

                    shape.borderWidth = shapeNode.Get<float>("Width");
                    shape.bottomLeft = botLeft;
                    shape.topRight = TopRight;





            // Build Shape List

    public void SaveShapes()
        OnlineMapsXML xml = new OnlineMapsXML("Shapes");

        // Lines
        foreach (OnlineMapsDrawingLine shape in SavedLines)
            OnlineMapsXML shapeNode = xml.Create("Line");

            shapeNode.Create("Color", shape.color);
            shapeNode.Create("Width", shape.width);

            List<string> points = new List<string>();

            foreach (OnlineMapsVector2d r in shape.points)
            shapeNode.Create("Points", string.Join(",", points));

        // Polygons
        foreach (OnlineMapsDrawingPoly shape in SavedPolys)
            OnlineMapsXML shapeNode = xml.Create("Poly");

            shapeNode.Create("Color", shape.borderColor);
            shapeNode.Create("Width", shape.borderWidth);

            List<string> points = new List<string>();

            foreach (OnlineMapsVector2d r in shape.points)

            shapeNode.Create("Points", string.Join(",", points));

        // Rectangles
        foreach (OnlineMapsDrawingRect shape in SavedRects)
            OnlineMapsXML shapeNode = xml.Create("Rect");

            shapeNode.Create("Color", shape.borderColor.ToString());
            shapeNode.Create("Width", shape.borderWidth);
            shapeNode.Create("BackgroundColor", shape.backgroundColor.ToString());


            shapeNode.Create("BottomLeft", shape.bottomLeft);
            shapeNode.Create("TopRight", shape.topRight);

        PlayerPrefs.SetString("Shapes", xml.outerXml);

        // Build Shapes List

Post's attachments

Attachment icon IMG_4207.jpg 687.46 kb, 15 downloads since 2024-07-25 

Re: iOS Drawing API


I think you have a problem with CultureInfo and not with the Drawing API.

What I mean is:
Depending on the country, the integer and fractional parts of a number can be separated by a dot or comma.
This means that the code (10.99).ToString() can return "10.99" and "10,99".
If you have the second case, you will get an invalid string when you use a comma-separated Join.

The best way to solve the problem is to use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture in ToString and Parse methods.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: iOS Drawing API

That was the problem! Thank you!!
I use the below code in Start() and set CultureInfo.InvariantCulture instead changing every ToString and Parse.
Works great in the device now.

void Start() {

       Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture