Topic: Higher definition height maps

I have a height map provider with data at 1m intervals. The new intercept API looks like a way I could use this data however I can't quite see it. The problem is that the intercept seems to be between an existing provider asking for an (mx,my) height but at the interval that the original provider uses (e.g. 10m). Am I misunderstanding how this works?

If not I'm quite happy to write the code to act as another provider or perhaps have somewhere I can subscribe to override the map size and/or step increment values?

Re: Higher definition height maps


Example of how to intercept getting elevations, and use your own data is attached.
Hope this will be helpful.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon InterceptGetElevationExample.cs 3.11 kb, 198 downloads since 2020-02-05 

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Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Higher definition height maps

Hi, the problem seems to be that the intercept still uses the original provider. E.g. the provider is using a step size of 10m per x-coord. The new data has a better resolution of 1m per x-coord. But the intercept is only asked for data using the original 10m per x. Therefore the intercept cannot provide more accurate height details.

Re: Higher definition height maps

It absolutely does not depend on the resolution of the data that you have.
RWT will request data in the resolution that is required for the current area settings.
It can be 100 meters per point or 1 centimeter per point.

Did you launch RWT / Intercept Elevation / Intercept, before starting the generation?

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Higher definition height maps

Thanks for that. The problem I now have is that I can see that the requests are associated with the Height Map Resolution. E.g. 4097. The problem I now have is that if I set the Terrain Count to anything other than 1x1 then the intercept requests are only enough for values to fill one tile-square. E.g. 2x2 terrain I would expect 4x4097x4097 requests for data OR 1x4097x4097 to be spread across the 2x2 tiles...I'm not sure which :S

Re: Higher definition height maps

2x2 terrains will request 4x4097x4097 values.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Higher definition height maps

Thanks for the confirmation. Can you confirm that for a 2x2 terrain the requests are also sent for each quadrant rather the whole? E.g.
{x 0-4096, y 0-4096}, {x 4097-8194, y 0-4096}, {x 0-4096, y 4097-8194}, {x 4097-8194, y 4097-8194}
rather than treating it as a single large square;
{x 0-8194, 0-8194}

Re: Higher definition height maps

Yes, RWT will first request all the values for the first terrain, then for the second, etc.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Higher definition height maps

Yes, this feature is sometimes used when a user wants to use their own elevation data, which is usually more accurate than public data.
No, I have no plans to improve this feature because it will be an API anyway due to the fact that I don't know what kind of data and format the user will want to use.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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