Topic: playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows

playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows
create 3d marker store instance only says none
get active marker only says none
so on i cant seem to pick a option on any thing that would let me store a marker so that the 3d marker game object ca id its self to add functions to itself

Re: playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows


Quote from Online Maps documentation (Troubleshooting / Known Issues section):

Playmaker does not save FSMObject (markers). Debug shows «None»
Actually FSMObjects saved, and you can use it. Just Playmaker does not show it.
This is a bug in Playmaker, and we hope that sometime this will be fixed.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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3 (edited by tom.timothy 2023-08-25 18:40:30)

Re: playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows

okay i got it after reading this post hear must be  to object

Re: playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows

I'm saying that when playmaker says "none" it's not true.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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5 (edited by tom.timothy 2023-08-25 18:51:37)

Re: playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows

Alex Vertax wrote:

I'm saying that when playmaker says "none" it's not true.

I understand that but if i cant even make a variable other then object i cant call any game object interactions with it. I am clearly missing something thank you for the time your giving this.

Object is the base class for all objects in Unity. It offers instantiation and destruction functions, but not much more.

GameObject, besides being a subclass of Object, is the base class for all entities within scenes. It has a Transform component by default, and can have other components attached.

Re: playmaker actions broken or im not getting it as follows

3D marker is not a GameObject.
If you want to get it as a GameObject, use Get 3D Marker Instance action.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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