Topic: Offline Maps Workflow
I'm new to coding and especially to this plugin. I'm trying to run an offline map focused on a specific area and I'm curious about the proper workflow. I would appreciate some guidance or feedback to confirm if I'm on the right track.
Here's my process:
I'm thinking of using either a "limit component" or a "lock position component" on the map to specify the desired area (although this might just be for convenience and not strictly necessary).
Next, I plan to use tiledownload.cs to download the tiles for the designated area.
Once downloaded, I'll move these tiles into the resources folder. Afterwards, when creating a map, I'll select the "resources only" style.
However, a concern I have is regarding the tile count. If I aim to cover a larger area, I quickly end up needing to download over a million tiles. Is this a normal constraint, or am I missing something?
Thank you for your assistance,