Topic: Workflow merge tiled maps.

Hallo, I'm using online maps with Resources as Source. So I predownload the tiles for my usage. Now I want to hand over a merged map of the single tiles to an illustrator to make it a custom style. Question is what a good workflow is that is also free. Not like maptiler where I have to pay every month although I just want to merge one time some tiles.

An additional question is: I found OnlineMapsTiles/{zoom}/{x}/{y} which i dont understand 100% because my folder look like the added foto. What does 43126 e.g. mean.

Thanks in advance

Re: Workflow merge tiled maps.


Unfortunately, I don't know any free solutions for this.
If you have programming experience, it's pretty easy to implement on your own.

{zoom}, {x}, {y} are tokens that are replaced to values when used.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Workflow merge tiled maps.

Well I do have some experience. It's the question if I have enough.
How would you implement it?

Re: Workflow merge tiled maps.

1. Find the minimum and maximum values of X and Y that you have.
2. Create a texture of size ((maxX - minX + 1) * 256), (maxY - minY + 1) * 256).
Important: Unity can't work with textures with side sizes larger than 16k.
3. Read the texture of the tile from each of your sets, and get the colors.
4. Calculate the offset for the new texture (x = (tileX - minX) * 256, y = (tileY - minY) * 256).
5. Set the colors in the new texture. … ixels.html
6. After you've gone through all the tiles, encode the texture to PNG and save the file. … ToPNG.html

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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