1 (edited by philzmz 2022-11-17 13:06:31)

Topic: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Hello Alex
I have never been very comfortable using UPano, as sometimes the camera movements are a little bit strange and unwanted. I just understood why and I think this is a simple “maths” issue, please take a look at this short video : https://youtu.be/PqKavw58o3k
It would be great if you could fix it, as I have to deliver an app using Upano very soon.
Best regards.


Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama


Thanks for showing me the problem.
I will definitely try to fix it.
But I'm not sure that I can fix it easily and quickly.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

After digging deeper into the problem, I realized that the problem is very complex and I don’t even know where to start yet.
But there is a workaround here: Mouse Control / Mode - Left Mouse Button.
I've looked at several JS frameworks and they usually work this way.
I slightly modified Mouse Control (attached) to work better in this mode.
Try this mode, at least until I find a way to improve dragging.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Hello thanks for your fast reply. Same problem with uour new script, even worse, or there is something else to do than only replacing the script. But I had an idea of another workaround: as the UI Joystick Control works fine, it should be possible to use it as an "intermediate" to rotate the panorama ? I mean when you drag the mouse, you transfer the direction to the Joystick Control and it rotates the panorama correctly.

Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

I don't know why dragging should work worse since I didn't change anything in this mode.

Mouse Control has three modes:
1. Drag - when uPano tries to keep the point under the cursor. This mode works correctly in the center of the screen width, but has an inaccuracy around the edges. I haven't fixed this issue yet.
2. Left Mouse Button - works like a UI Joystick Control, when the left mouse button is held down and the cursor position changes vertically, it changes tilt, when it changes horizontally, it changes pan. I recommend that you try this mode.
3. Free - the same as Left Mouse Button, but does not require pressing the button and always works.

Here is a short video about the modes:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/paxc5qvncn5mt … l.mp4?dl=0

I made some changes to Mouse Control (attached) so that Left Mouse Button and Free modes will adapt the sensitivity to the current FOV.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Thanks a lot, drag mode is perfect (I didn't see this mode), but when trying to download your package I get an error ?

Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

What exact error do you have while downloading?

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Alex Vertax wrote:

What exact error do you have while downloading?

Today it worked !
Maybe a problem on my side...
Thanks !

Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Hello again...
With your updated scripts I get an issue in the JoystickControl.

Here with the new scripts : https://youtu.be/rZqdjNSp8wE  (Joystick "hesitates")
And here I restored the old scripts : https://youtu.be/Xh5vJxCyqwM (Joystick is working fine)

Maybe a little thing, but I didn't find which :-(


Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Updated scripts did not affect Joystick.
The problem is that before that you used Mode - Drag, and then Mode - Left Mouse Button.
Mode - Left Mouse Button had no check that there was an interaction with UI element, so UI Joystick Control and Mouse Control interacted with the panorama at the same time.

The new patch is attached.
For Mode - Left Mouse Button, the ability to disable interaction under UI element has been added.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon uPano v3.0.2 - Mouse Control Patch.unitypackage 3.52 kb, 122 downloads since 2022-11-21 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: Strange issue when tilting a panorama

Thank you so much for your time and your kindness, it works!
Best regards.