I'm having the same problem! Could you please indicate where I can find any information about the navigation system? Please correct me if I'm wrong but since in the documentation there is nothing about it, and the atlas of examples does not have any information about it as well
Like at least how can I start with the navigation system?
The only information that I could find was the scene already created called navigation, but there is no information about it (not even in the forum, or at least not easy to find), and when I start the scene navigation it does not work as the name suggest. Also, I have no idea how to make the scene work because there are no instructions or documentation about it.
Or Could you please tell me how can I make the scene navigation work? because it is simply a view with one search bar that when you do a search on it the log says all the time Can't find route.
I understand, and I'm very sorry that my question is too general , but since it is super challenging to find any information on even how to start, I cannot make a more specific question.