Topic: Markers should have a way to unset Draggable

Currently you can call SetDraggable from OnlineMapsMarkerBase and that will enable the drag feature; however, there is no way to make a marker not draggable other than to delete it and create a new one in its place.

I suggest replacing the current SetDraggable method with the following which will maintain compatibility.

    public bool IsDraggable {
        get; private set;

    public void SetDraggable(bool value = true)
        if (IsDraggable == value) {
        IsDraggable = value;

        if (value) {
            OnPress += OnMarkerPress;
        } else {
            OnPress -= OnMarkerPress;

Re: Markers should have a way to unset Draggable


Thank you for the good suggestion.
The next version of Online Maps will contain this.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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