Topic: No Textures

No matter what I do or what provider I use there is no texture. Only the terrain is generated but not textured. Ive tried regenerating the textures with all settings combinations even using different versions of unity. I would like to use unity5 but ive tried on unity4 also. Nothing is working, Ive spent days trying everything possible. Is there a way to download the textures manually?

I would love to use RWT if it works :'(

Re: No Textures


There are three problems:

1. URL of tiles has been changed.
Solution: Update Real World Terrain through the built-in updates.

2. Are you using Relief Terrain Pack, but not enabled integration in settings.
In this case, you will see a black terrains. Textures are generated, but you just can not see it.
Solution: Turn on the integration with Relief Terrain Pack in settings of Real World Terrain.

3. Error in generation of textures.
Open Window / Console. If you see errors, please send us a stack trace.
We'll fix it.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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