Topic: Drag with two fingers

Hello there!

I want to drag the map while zooming with two fingers, like Google maps does it. Is there an option for it?
If not, I can't find where you handle the touch input (when not connected to Fingers or EasyTouch), to add this option manually. In which script is the touch input handled?


Re: Drag with two fingers


Something like:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;

public class DragOnSmoothZoom : MonoBehaviour
    private Vector2 lastInputPosition;
    private Vector2 inputPosition;
    private OnlineMapsControlBase control;
    private MethodInfo updatePosition;
    private FieldInfo lastInputField;
    private bool sendWrongTouchCount;

    private int OnGetTouchCount()
        if (sendWrongTouchCount) return 1;

        if (Input.touchSupported)
            if (Input.touchCount > 0) return Input.touchCount;
        return Input.GetMouseButton(0) ? 1 : 0;

    private void OnSmoothZoomBegin()
        lastInputPosition = control.GetInputPosition();
        control.OnUpdateBefore += OnUpdateBefore;

        lastInputField.SetValue(control, control.GetInputPosition());

    private void OnSmoothZoomFinish()
        control.OnUpdateBefore -= OnUpdateBefore;

        lastInputField.SetValue(control, control.GetInputPosition());

    private void OnUpdateBefore()
        if (OnGetTouchCount() <= 1) return;

        inputPosition = control.GetInputPosition();
        if (lastInputPosition == inputPosition) return;

        lastInputField.SetValue(control, lastInputPosition);
        sendWrongTouchCount = true;
        updatePosition.Invoke(control, null);
        sendWrongTouchCount = false;

        lastInputPosition = inputPosition;

    private void Start()
        control = OnlineMapsControlBase.instance;
        control.OnSmoothZoomBegin += OnSmoothZoomBegin;
        control.OnSmoothZoomFinish += OnSmoothZoomFinish;
        control.OnGetTouchCount += OnGetTouchCount;

        Type controlType = typeof(OnlineMapsControlBase);
        updatePosition = controlType.GetMethod("UpdatePosition", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        lastInputField = controlType.GetField("lastInputPosition", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
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Infinity Code Team.

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3 (edited by MartinTinu 2019-07-29 16:41:20)

Re: Drag with two fingers

Cool, this almost works. big_smile

But it jumps when starting the zoom/drag. My guess is that it takes the last inputPosition and centers the pinch to it, which leads to the jump. Any idea how to solve this?

Thank you!

EDIT: Ooops, the following code doesn't work.
Additionally I added the following lines. Otherwise when starting not at {0,0}, it jumps to the african atlantic.

if(lastInputPosition ==
            lastInputPosition = OnlineMaps.instance.position;

Re: Drag with two fingers

Updated script in post #2 to not produce a million versions of the same script.
lastInputPosition contains the position of a mouse or touch, and not geographical coordinates.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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5 (edited by MartinTinu 2019-07-30 09:52:10)

Re: Drag with two fingers

Works like a charm now!
Thank you very much! smile

Now for me there is just one more thing that reduces the usability of the touch controls: Google maps has a smooth damping when zooming. This makes it much easier and faster to zoom in/out very quickly (and also adds a natural feel to it). Do you think it's also possible to implement this in Online Maps? (Should I have opened a new topic for this?)

Re: Drag with two fingers

"smooth damping" - do you mean inertia?
Yes, of course it is possible to implement.
It will take a couple of days (due to the release of Unity 2019.2).

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Drag with two fingers

Something like that:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

namespace InfinityCode.OnlineMapsExamples
    public class DragAndZoomInertia : MonoBehaviour
        /// <summary>
        /// Deceleration rate (0 - 1).
        /// </summary>
        public float friction = 0.9f;

        private bool isInteract;
        private List<double> speedX;
        private List<double> speedY;
        private List<float> speedZ;
        private double rsX;
        private double rsY;
        private float rsZ;
        private double ptx;
        private double pty;
        private float pz;
        private const int maxSamples = 5;

        private OnlineMaps map;
        private OnlineMapsControlBase control;

        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (isInteract && control.GetTouchCount() == 0) isInteract = false;

            // If there is interaction with the map.
            if (isInteract)
                // Calculates speeds.
                double tx, ty;
                map.GetTilePosition(out tx, out ty, 20);

                double cSpeedX = tx - ptx;
                double cSpeedY = ty - pty;
                float cSpeedZ = map.floatZoom - pz;

                int halfMax = 1 << 19;
                int max = 1 << 20;
                if (cSpeedX > halfMax) cSpeedX -= max;
                else if (cSpeedX < -halfMax) cSpeedX += max;

                while (speedX.Count >= maxSamples) speedX.RemoveAt(0);
                while (speedY.Count >= maxSamples) speedY.RemoveAt(0);
                while (speedZ.Count >= maxSamples) speedZ.RemoveAt(0);


                ptx = tx;
                pty = ty;
                pz = map.floatZoom;
            // If no interaction with the map.
            else if (rsX * rsX + rsY * rsY > 0.001 || rsZ > 0.001)
                // Continue to move the map with the current speed.
                double tx, ty;
                map.GetTilePosition(out tx, out ty, 20);

                tx += rsX;
                ty += rsY;

                int max = 1 << 20;
                if (tx >= max) tx -= max;
                else if (tx < 0) tx += max;

                map.SetTilePosition(tx, ty, 20);
                //control.ZoomOnPoint(rsZ, lastScreenPoint);
                map.floatZoom += rsZ;

                // Reduces the current speed.
                rsX *= friction;
                rsY *= friction;
                rsZ *= friction;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when you press on the map.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnMapPress()
            // Get tile coordinates of map
            map.GetTilePosition(out ptx, out pty, 20);
            pz = map.floatZoom;

            // Is marked, that is the interaction with the map.
            isInteract = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when you release on the map.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnMapRelease()
            if (control.GetTouchCount() != 0) return;

            // Is marked, that ended the interaction with the map.
            isInteract = false;

            // Calculates the average speed.
            rsX = speedX.Count > 0 ? speedX.Average() : 0;
            rsY = speedY.Count > 0 ? speedY.Average() : 0;
            rsZ = speedZ.Count > 0 ? speedZ.Average() : 0;


        private void Start()
            map = OnlineMaps.instance; ;
            control = OnlineMapsControlBase.instance;

            // Subscribe to map events
            control.OnMapPress += OnMapPress;
            control.OnMapRelease += OnMapRelease;

            // Initialize arrays of speed
            speedX = new List<double>(maxSamples);
            speedY = new List<double>(maxSamples);
            speedZ = new List<float>(maxSamples);
Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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