1 (edited by sjmtech 2019-07-15 13:54:50)

Topic: (SOLVED) Tooltip issue with multiple hotspot in the same panorama.

i'm new to Upano.
I'm setting a virtual tour with multiple hotspot on each panoramas.
All works perfectly except the tooltip (show/Hide) feature.
The project is for Google VR (i followed the Youtube tutorial) all is setted but when i start playng the first hotspot (single hotspot panorama) works but in the second panorama (multiple hotspot)  the tooltips are not showed ... only tryeing to focus on all hotspot multiple time at some point start showing the tooltips.

Massimiliano Mallus (Max)
SJM Tech

Re: (SOLVED) Tooltip issue with multiple hotspot in the same panorama.


I did some tests and could not reproduce the problem. Tooltips are shown correctly.
If possible, please send your scene (as a package) for testing to support@infinity-code.com.
If this is not possible, please give step by step instructions on how to reproduce the problem.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

3 (edited by sjmtech 2019-07-12 07:44:40)

Re: (SOLVED) Tooltip issue with multiple hotspot in the same panorama.

Thanks for your reply!
herestep by step instructions :
1- opening scene 10. Switching panoramas in same scene
2- add tooltip (panorama1/Hot Spot Actions)empty gameobject and add "show tooltip" script on it
3- assign included tooltip prefab
4- under hotspot1 event add Show and hide calls to the toltip
5- Run the scene..all is working
6- duplicate tooltip gameobject
7- add another hotspot (btw would be nice to have a button duplicate) with same tooltip events which points to the duplicated tooltip.
8-run the scene... the first hotspot you select with mouse dasen't show teh tooltip. (is more evident if you add more hotspots and more tooltips...the tooltips are not showed until you pass the mouse over all hotspot..then all return working normal)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon TooltipIssue.jpg 567.96 kb, 148 downloads since 2019-07-11 

Massimiliano Mallus (Max)
SJM Tech

Re: (SOLVED) Tooltip issue with multiple hotspot in the same panorama.

Sample scene n. 11!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Tooltip-Issue-TestScene.unitypackage 5.79 kb, 179 downloads since 2019-07-11 

Massimiliano Mallus (Max)
SJM Tech

Re: (SOLVED) Tooltip issue with multiple hotspot in the same panorama.

Thanks for the step by step instructions.
The problem has been fixed.
In the next version this will work correctly.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: (SOLVED) Tooltip issue with multiple hotspot in the same panorama.

Thank you!

Massimiliano Mallus (Max)
SJM Tech