Topic: Error when getting elevation from Bing

Cant load elevation data
Cannot load elevation map

Am I doing something wrong?
How do I reset Real World Terrain  settings?

Re: Error when getting elevation from Bing


It is difficult to say what is wrong, because you did not explain how and what you are doing.
Please attach a screenshot of RWT so I can check it out.

Real World Terrain / Settings / Revert to default settings
Real World Terrain / Clear Cache / Clear Settings - ON.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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3 (edited by anorak 2019-05-03 13:12:05)

Re: Error when getting elevation from Bing


In version chose Elevation Provider / Bing Maps and click Start.

All the other Elevation providers work.

Screenshot attached (removed api key on screenshot)

Same problem in I have a feeling I have some wrong settings saved somewhere. Where is the Bing Maps API key stored?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bingproblem.jpg 825.88 kb, 160 downloads since 2019-05-03 

Re: Error when getting elevation from Bing

Thanks for the bug report and screenshot.
The problem has been fixed.
The new version is already available through the built-in update system.
In Unity Asset Store a new version will be available in 2 days.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.