Topic: SRTM30 getting stuck unzipping elevations

I've been playing around with Real World Terrain since purchasing back on the 2nd.  Yesterday I started getting issues with it hanging when it tries to unzip the elevations.  If I go to my RWT_Cache/Heightmaps folder, I get error messages that the files are invalid when I try to manually unzip them.

If I then go to Real World Terrain Helper and click to show download links, the file name for the zip there is completely different than the names of the zip files within the Heightmaps folder.  Helper shows a standard SRTM zip name (SRTM_68_14 for example) whereas Heightmaps folder creates filenames based on coordinates ( for example).  If I unpack the ASC file and put in Heightmaps folder, it doesn't seem to recognize it and I'm not sure what to name since the inspector version when I click Start seems to be creating two broken files with the coordinate type name.

If I switch to normal SRTM, the inspector works as expected.  I verified my EarthData access by logging in manually to the website so I'm kind of at a loss in what else to do.  I've cleared cache.  I've shut down and rebooted.  I've tried in a new project.
I've even gone as far as deleting the Library folder of the Unity project so Unity reimports everything when I load up, but I can no longer seem to successfully download and process SRTM30.  I'm half wondering if the EarthData site may be having problems and an error is being received from them but not being displayed through the console.  Are you doing any error checking on data being returned from EarthData's api?

This is on Unity 5.6.0f3 with RWT 3.8.7 on a Windows 10 machine with Unity set for Windows build (although not sure why the last would matter since all in the editor but including just trying to be thorough.)..

I'd love to get this sorted out.  Sorry for posting as a new topic but I wasn't sure if I should post in the other thread ( since it seems that maybe that is the fix in a lot of cases.  I just can't get it to work here in my situation.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

Re: SRTM30 getting stuck unzipping elevations


ASC files - this is for SRTM.
For SRTM30, HQT files are used.
You can also unpack these archives manually if RWT has any problems with this.

Please send a screenshot of RWT so that I can check the generation for your area and settings.
If you PM me your login and password for EarthData, I can also check why it is not downloading for you.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: SRTM30 getting stuck unzipping elevations

As I stated, I can't unzip the files manually as Windows tells me the files are invalid.  It looks like the only option I get for downloading the files manually are the ASC versions.  I don't get an option to download the SRTM30 files from RWT Helper. sad

Tossing you a PM with the RWT window screenshot and my login info.  My login works, but I have no idea where to go once logged in to grab the info you are grabbing with RWT.  Sending that info here in a few minutes.

Re: SRTM30 getting stuck unzipping elevations

I tested downloading SRTM30 elevation data with my and your logins.
It works correctly in both cases for me.
Honestly, I do not know why you have a corrupted file.

In the helper, we added the ability to show SRTM30 download links.
A new version of the helper is attached.
Replace files in "{PROJECT} / Assets / Infinity Code / Real World Terrain / Helper".
In the helper, select “Elevations - SRTM30” and click “Show download links”.
The next version of RWT will contain an updated helper.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 10.88 kb, 245 downloads since 2018-10-14 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: SRTM30 getting stuck unzipping elevations

Unfortunately, I still can't get it to work.  Prior to Friday it worked flawlessly.  Prior to yesterday, I wasn't getting any errors but now I'm almost always getting "Authorization error on Please check your login and password." on the console.  I even created another account and I get the same issue on the new account as well.  One thing I forgot to try prior to my original post was remove RWT completely from my project and then reinstall fresh from the asset store.  I tried that earlier and still had the same issues after it initially worked the first time.

Also, I can now see the SRTM30 option on the Helper, but when I attempt to download the file from the link I get this: … 9.png?dl=0

I can't figure out why it would work for you with my ID and fail here.  I half wonder if we are getting connected to different servers based on our different locations and maybe the one I'm getting connected to is broken.  Or if something on Windows updated and somehow that is preventing me from connecting.  I do have a crappy internet connection (1-2mbps download) but it worked flawlessly prior to Friday.

If you can think of anything else that I might be able to try, let me know.

Thanks again.

Re: SRTM30 getting stuck unzipping elevations

I tested it in Unity v5.6, and it works correctly.
I looked at the logs in the repository and the authorization on has not changed since July (last change in RWT v3.8.0).
Prior to this (RWT v3.7 and earlier), the download worked through our proxy, because the authorization on this server is very capricious and Unity has a bug with redirections.
How it works now is something like a hack with manual redirects.
Unfortunately, this cannot be improved because it simply does not work in other ways.

About your URL:
This is a bug in RWT and helper.
Fixed. A new version of the helper is attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 10.92 kb, 245 downloads since 2018-10-15 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.