Topic: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit

An example of how to integrate Online Maps and Bolt.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon OnlineMaps-Bolt-Integration-Kit.unitypackage 6.17 kb, 176 downloads since 2021-06-29 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit


Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit

Question for you, Is the bolt integration included in the new version of online maps (v3.x) ? I am getting ready to update my project.

Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit

No, Online Maps v3 does not yet have integration with Bolt.
But you can use the integration package from Online Maps v2.x.
This should work correctly.

Thank you for your question.
We will add integration soon.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit


I have a follow-up-question on that.

Using Bolt/Online Maps with the integration Kit.

With the current version of Unity I get a lot of errors, most of them related to 'GetValue':

Example of the GetValue-Error:

Assets\Infinity Code\Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit\Scripts\ResetTextWebServiceEvents.cs(44,17): error CS1929: 'ValueInput' does not contain a definition for 'GetValue' and the best extension method overload 'XGettable.GetValue<bool>(IGettable)' requires a receiver of type 'IGettable'

Plus this 2 errors:

Assets\Infinity Code\Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit\Scripts\OnlineMapsBoltEventBase.cs(26,43): error CS0407: 'void OnlineMapsBoltEventBase.Enter(Flow)' has the wrong return typev

Assets\Infinity Code\Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit\Scripts\OnlineMapsBoltEventBase.cs(30,13): error CS0103: The name 'Relation' does not exist in the current context

Did I do something wrong or is there a fix on that?

Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit


Thank you for bug report.
This kit was developed before Unity bought Bolt.
Tomorrow I will check and fix it and send you a new version of Bolt Integration Kit.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit

Awesome, thanks a lot!

Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit

I make tests on different versions of Bolt and Unity Editor, and the integration kit that comes with the asset (Assets / Infinity Code / Online maps / Packages / OnlineMaps-Bolt-Integration-Kit.unitypackage) works well and doesn't have any problems.

I also replaced the package in the first post so as not to confuse users.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: Online Maps Bolt Integration Kit

Sorry my bad. Was using the link in the description here and not the package I was supposed to use.

Many thanks!