1 (edited by Vern 2017-08-02 14:51:04)

Topic: Non Square Terrain [SOLVED- Size type was set to Mercator]

Hello Alex,

I am getting the strangest behaviour from RWT,

If I make a perfectly square selection in the helper it produces a rectangular result (Image attached)

For example a selection of 5.82 SqKM x 5.82 SqKM gives me a result of a 9.36 SqKM x 5.82 SqKM?

Never had the problem before yesterday.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon HelperSelection.png 1.01 mb, 174 downloads since 2017-08-02 

Re: Non Square Terrain [SOLVED- Size type was set to Mercator]

This is the result in the RWT window

Post's attachments

Attachment icon UnityResult.png 85.1 kb, 190 downloads since 2017-08-02 

Re: Non Square Terrain [SOLVED- Size type was set to Mercator]

I realised my stupid error. My size type was set to Mercator by accident, I didn't notice.

No bugs here smile