Topic: Pipeline options: Mesh To Terrain from USGS v. Real World Terrain
From what I can glean on the web site, it seems the maximum resolution for the terrain height maps obtained via 'Real World Terrain' is ~10m/pixel, a function of Bing maps topo archive. Is that correct?
Meshes from USGS ARRA LIDAR data have a claimed vertex density of: ~14.16 vertices/m2: (e.g.: … 4.32610.1)
That would seem to give the ARRA LIDAR survey more than two orders of magnitude better spatial resolution, and DEMs from the same data have about the same sampling.
If that's the case, could 'Real World Terrain' import from the above USGS data?
Or should I instead convert the higher-resolution raw point clouds to meshes on my own and then use 'Mesh To Terrain' to create tiles? I see WorldStreamer integrates with ‘Real World Terrain’ -- what is the extent of this cross-functionality? Is there any documentation on tiling a large model for 'RWT' using WorldStreamer?
Thanks in advance for any help!
The careful reader may detect that my question presupposes that there is a benefit in translating from meshes to height maps (Unity terrains). That seems reasonable to me, but I welcome any notes about experiences that suggest otherwise.