Topic: Compile errors when importing package, I can't use it!!

As subject, please find attached screen capture. I'd really appreciate if this can be solved as soon as possible.


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Attachment icon Screen Shot 2016-06-04 at 20.22.10.png 76.95 kb, 185 downloads since 2016-06-04 

Re: Compile errors when importing package, I can't use it!!


Most likely your project contains a script called «Action» in the global namespace.
Delete or rename a class or use some namespace.
It is bad practice to have in the global namespace scripts with those names.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Compile errors when importing package, I can't use it!!

I have compile errors in a new project as follows;

Post's attachments

Attachment icon compile error.png 35.22 kb, 173 downloads since 2017-02-07 

Re: Compile errors when importing package, I can't use it!!


You have enabled integration with Real World Terrain, but do not have it in the project.
Import Real World Terrain or remove «Edit / Project Setting / Player / Other Settings / Scripting Define Symbols / RWT».

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.