Topic: Extend Online Maps to create a horizon
Example of how to extend the map area to make a beautiful horizon.
In addition, this script shows how to use elevations from Mapbox.
These scripts require a Bing Maps Elevation Manager on the map GameObject.
They download the elevation data from the sources and pass it to the Bing Maps Elevation Manager, so you won't actually be making requests to the Bing Maps Elevation API.
Horizon2.cs - version for Online Maps v2.x. Elevation source - Mapbox. For Online Maps v3 will not work.
Horizon2_OM3.cs - version for Online Maps v3. Elevation source - Mapbox.
Horizon2_BingMaps.cs - version for Online Maps v3. Elevation source - Bing Maps.
Horizon2_ArcGIS.cs - version for Online Maps v3. Elevation source - ArcGIS. Currently not working because ArcGIS has stopped its elevation service.
Infinity Code Team.
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