Topic: Possible Track BuildR integration

Good day. I would just like to know whether you have any plans to support Track BuildR in the future?
I am only asking because I already own it, and if you aren't planning on supporting it, I will then buy EasyRoads 3d .
Thanks for your awesome products.

Unity Asset Store Track BuildR link:

Re: Possible Track BuildR integration


I think Track BuildR, this is not a suitable solution for the generation of road networks.
Road networks have many intersections, and I did not find in the asset description that Track BuildR supports it.

In the next updates we plan to make integration with Road Architect.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Possible Track BuildR integration

That is perfect, thanks Alex.
I just imported Road Architect in my project, I will start to learn how to use it.
Thanks for the speedy feedback.