1 (edited by hr.violetrose2013 2017-01-20 20:37:09)

Topic: Crashed in Unity3D 5.50

I am not sure know how to do
Land Prince George BC but crashed after loaded.
I am working unity3d because I will make game for learning drive land in Canada.
Maybe not enough memory to load. My memory: 4GB RAM
Unity3D version: 5.50

How it change? Here is picture:

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Attachment icon unity3d.jpg 290.77 kb, 189 downloads since 2017-01-20 

Re: Crashed in Unity3D 5.50


You have very high settings, and you just do not have enough RAM.

How to generate it with high settings:
1. Disable the generation of grass and trees, and reduce the texture size to a minimum.
2. Generate terrains.
3. Optional: Save each terrain in a separate scene.
4. Regenerate textures with the required resolution.
5. Generate the grass.
6. Generate the trees.

I strongly recommend to save the scene after each step.

P.S. I do not recommend to use Provider - Google for the high settings. There is a very big chance that you will be blocked.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Crashed in Unity3D 5.50

I did but many errors.
"Failed creating system instance terrian" as 999+

How it fixing?

Re: Crashed in Unity3D 5.50


Please specify your version of Real World Terrain and attach a full stack trace of error (open Window / Console to see it).

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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