Topic: Gaia Pro 2023 - Terrain Scene Generator v4.0.5

Hi Alex.

I create a vanilla 3D URP project with:
Unity 2022.3.24f1 LTS
+ Real World Terrain 4.9.2
+ Gaia Pro 2023 - Terrain Scene Generator v4.0.5

and I have an error message in Real World Terrain when try to use Gaia Stamps as output. See attached.

I can't figure out the cause. Any idea?



Post's attachments

Attachment icon Captura (1189).png 15.08 kb, 39 downloads since 2024-06-23 

Re: Gaia Pro 2023 - Terrain Scene Generator v4.0.5


Thanks for the bug report.
Most likely Gaia has changed the points by which RWT detects its presence in the project and accesses it.
I will check and get back to you.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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