1 (edited by lwRaft 2024-01-18 11:17:36)

Topic: [SOLVED] Route clips on mobile devices

Hi there,

another question, since this saved me so much effort last time. I'm drawing a route with this example (https://infinity-code.com/atlas/online- … ample.html), but on mobile devices the rendering seems to have some clipping issues.
The route appears clipped differently depending on the zoom level; changing the polyline's width didn't make any difference.
Any ideas on what to change? Already tried removing the scene's lighting, didn't make any difference.
In any case it's relevant, I'm rendering using URP. I'm displaying my map as a tileset on UI Canvas (maybe that's the issue?) The problem occurs on ALL four Android devices I've tested on so far.

Unfortunately nobody else seems to have come across this problem, I couldn't find any related posts in this forum.

Thanks in advance, your help is greatly appreciated.

Re: [SOLVED] Route clips on mobile devices


This happens when two meshes have close position in the scene, and close Render Queue.
The easiest way to fix the problem is to select a different shader in Tileset / Materials & Shaders / Drawing Shader, such as TilesetDrawingElementZOffset or TilesetDrawingElementZTestAlways.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: [SOLVED] Route clips on mobile devices

Ok, thank you so much, already guessed as much but wasn't sure on how to go do this! TilesetDrawingElementZOffset already looks much better, but is being displayed in error-pink. Probably because I'm using URP and not standard rendering pipeline. I will try and modify the PBR shadergraph in a way that I get more Z offset.

Re: [SOLVED] Route clips on mobile devices

You can emulate Z Offset for URP in this way:
https://forum.unity.com/threads/shader- … st-4459513

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: [SOLVED] Route clips on mobile devices

Perfect, that worked like a charm! Thank you so much for your quick help and this fantastic plugin.