Topic: GPS Location Marker Problem

Hey, I saw there was already an answer to a very similar question, but the problem is that I can't solve it using this answer, so maybe you can help me.

I can move the location marker, which is a completely unnecessary feature, so if there is any solution on how to disable this movement, I would appreciate it.

Re: GPS Location Marker Problem


Something like that:

using UnityEngine;

namespace InfinityCode.OnlineMapsSupport
    public class CreateGPSMarkerWithoutMove : MonoBehaviour
        private void Start()
            OnlineMapsLocationService.instance.OnLocationInited += OnLocationInited;

        private void OnLocationInited()
            Vector2 location = OnlineMapsLocationService.instance.position;
            OnlineMapsMarkerManager.CreateItem(location, "My Marker");
Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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