1 (edited by digitalbreed 2022-10-08 17:19:52)

Topic: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working


I am using UEE v3.0.6.1 in Unity 2021.3.11f1 on a MacBook Pro M1.

I would like to use the hierarchy backgrounds feature but a right click on a game object in the hierarchy doesn't open the window shown in the documentation. I get the regular context menu that opens on right click at any other location, see screenshot.

I tried restarting the editor after installation and also tried disabling unsafe features from the UEE settings without any effect.

Please advise.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screenshot 2022-10-08 at 19.16.19.png 309.88 kb, 60 downloads since 2022-10-08 

2 (edited by digitalbreed 2022-10-09 09:48:59)

Re: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working

I kept digging a little. The issue is that I am not receiving an event MouseUp in IconSelector.OnHierarchyGUI. The order of events when I hover and click an item is:

- repaint
- Layout
- mouseDown
- ContextClick

There's no mouseUp following that.

So I changed that bit to check for EventType.ContextClick instead, so the event is now successfully consumed, the standard context menu doesn't appear, and I can see that GameObjectHierarchySettings.ShowAtPosition is invoked including wnd.ShowPopup(); --- but it still won't appear on screen sad

I found that I see the popup when I change GameObjectHierarchySettings.closeOnLossFocus to false. So I looked into the  ValidateCloseOnLossFocus implementation which only keeps the window open if the focused window's name is "ColorPicker" or "ObjectSelector". However, I found that after opening the popup the focused window for me is "SceneHierarchyWindow".

3 (edited by digitalbreed 2022-10-08 22:36:00)

Re: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working

I managed to get the popup window working by:

1. changing IconSelector.OnHierarchyGUI to use EventType.ContextClick
2. immediately calling wnd.Focus() after wnd.ShowPopup() in GameObjectHierarchySettings

Not sure if my issue is Mac specific or anything else but I hope my findings help to improve UEE.

Re: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working


Thank you very much for your bug report and investigation.
I am not a Mac user and do not have such devices, but I will try to find a way to test and fix this problem.

I tested the issue and it happens on Mac OS.
Your fix works well on Win and Mac, so I'll include it in the next version of the asset.
Thank you very much for sharing this.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.

Re: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working

Alex Vertax wrote:

I tested the issue and it happens on Mac OS.
Your fix works well on Win and Mac, so I'll include it in the next version of the asset.
Thank you very much for sharing this.

That's great news! Happy to help!

Re: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working

Alex, I am experiencing some kind of a follow up bug. When I color a GO in the hierarchy, it is shown as expected. When I load another scene and then reload the scene with the colored GO it is shown as expected, too. However, when I close Unity entirely and then load the scene with the colored GO, the color is no longer displayed.

Any ideas how this could happen?

Re: Hierarchy Tools / Backgrounds not working

Thanks for the bug report.
The problem was that the scene references were not initialized when the editor was started.
Problem fixed. The patch is attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon UEE-v3.6-SceneReferences-Patch.unitypackage 1.26 kb, 71 downloads since 2022-10-11 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

Boost your productivity a lot and immediately using Ultimate Editor Enhancer. Trial and non-commerce versions available.