Topic: Mutiple terrain editor

Hi Alex.
I'd be willing to pay a good amount of money to be able to edit the terrain heightmap and textures resolution of my 7,200 terrains at once.
Is this posible?

Re: Mutiple terrain editor


Please describe your request in more detail.

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Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Mutiple terrain editor

Sorry Alex.
Wrong thread. I'm talking about Real World Terrain. I have a very large terrain grid of 120 x 60 terrains. To make it posible, I generated it in a very low resolution. Now I have to "regenerate terrain" and "regenerate textures" one by one. I listen that is posible to edit multiple terrains from Unity 2019? Not sure but, is there any possibility to also edit/regenerate the:
of multiple terrains at once?

Re: Mutiple terrain editor

There are three ways to regenerate terrains and textures:
1. Real World Terrain Container / Regenerate - will regenerate all terrains.
2. Real World Terrain Item / Regenerate - will regenerate one terrain.
3. Real World Terrain API - allows you to automate regeneration and implement custom behavior.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Mutiple terrain editor

I love you. I really do but, I'm mising something.
On the Automator, what kind of parameters do I have to set?
I guess it should use the terrain index of the grid ordered from bottom left to top right. See pic. Isn't it?
I tried also following the order in the hierarchy. In both cases I have a null reference error on the item.
Is a different kind of parameter what I should be use?
Sorry for boder you. Probably a silly mistake.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Captura de pantalla (331).png 1.11 mb, 90 downloads since 2021-10-27 

Re: Mutiple terrain editor

I made another example for you (attached).
I hope it will be clearer now.
Look at lines 45 and 49.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon AutomatorExample2.cs 5.31 kb, 118 downloads since 2021-10-28 

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Mutiple terrain editor

It works smoothly.
I'm crying... not really but I should have paid for this.
Thank you very much Alex.

Re: Mutiple terrain editor

Nope wink
I don't think I should ask for money for such a small modification of an existing script, so take it as a gift.
It is possible that this script will also be useful for other people looking for ways to automate.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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