Topic: How can I get the Marker's information out to a new Canvas?

Good evening.
I have generated a marker with the code UI Bubble Popup From CSV.
I want to click on this marker and display the detailed data of the marker on a separate Canvas. How can I do that?
Sorry I am a beginner.

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Attachment icon UIBubblePopupFromCVS.cs 7.5 kb, 159 downloads since 2021-02-23 

Re: How can I get the Marker's information out to a new Canvas?


Unfortunately, I did not understand what your problem is.
You are setting a reference to bubble GameObject.
Just place it on the required Canvas initially.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: How can I get the Marker's information out to a new Canvas?

Thanks, Alex.
I was able to figure it out.
I was able to achieve my goal by adding a Canvas and making it active from "private void OnMarkerClick(OnlineMapsMarkerBase marker)".

Thanks for taking a look at my poor question. Very much appreciated.