Topic: Terrain Layer Generation
Hi there,
I am trying to generate terrain layers and it is very buggy. I understand that this ferature is in beta. I will do my best to describe what is happening.
I am generating a park in Toronto, Canada called High Park as a test. I am generating a square area containing the park into 4x4 (16) terrains. I am attempting to set up a few layers in the 'Textures' section of the generation window (Figure 1). Upon pressing Start, it will create the terrains and apply the heightmaps. Upon attempting to texture the terrains, an Index Out Of Range error is returned and the texturing process halted (Figure 2).
I then tried different ways to "force" RWT to generate the layers. Despite RWT saying that "Important: you can specify materials only for new terrains..." (not sure what this means?), each terrain can be selected and "Regenerate Textures" selected from the "Real World Terrain Item" component attached to the terrains. From here, a base layer and some Layer rules can be applied to each terrain one-by-one.
Generally, adding a base layer and creating layers for applying rules for Building, Water, and Waterway map data worked ok when regenerating the texture of each terrain one-by-one (except for an artifact in the top right corner, Figure 3).
Aside from the map data layers mentioned above, which map data rules apply to which terrain is very inconsistent. Road data never generated a layer, only returning the index-out-of-range error seen in Figure 2. Certain landuse types also returned this error, including the type "Park" which is the type for >90% of the park area.
The landuse type "Wood" is present in most of the park so I tried to generate this as well. It generates a terrain layer for only one terrain of the 16 (Figure 4, darker brown area), despite the data existing for other terrain areas (screenshot of Mapbox data in Figure 5, for reference).
It would be really helpful for my future production if this worked a bit better, but I expect this to take a bit of time. I hope this bug report helps. I am using the park to develop a demo in the meantime, so some manual painting of terrain texture layers is ok for now.