Topic: Can't open Real World Terrain

I installed the newest RWT (v and added Vegetation Studio Pro. I installed everything (Jobs, Burst, Collections and Postprocessing) from the Package Manager, changed the Scriptung Runtime Enviroment to .NET 4 and I don't get any errors. I use Unity version 2018.2.11.

I can open every other RWT window except the main one. I don't get any errors, when I try to open it.

Re: Can't open Real World Terrain


If you do not have errors in the console, most likely something is wrong with the layout.
Try resetting this: Window / Layouts / Revert Factory Settings.

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Can't open Real World Terrain

Damn. Found the problem. the window was on my second monitor, which was not on. Your tipp helped me with the idea. so Thx. ^^