Topic: How to know when map has been loaded and drawn?

Hi Guys!
I wanted to know if there is a method or an event that tells me exactly when the map is loaded or completely drawn on the map,
the problem is that on my pc it takes 1 second for example, but on my cell phone it takes 3 seconds, what I need to do is
once fully loaded instantiate markers and do route calculations. I'm using a google custom provider and the map is based on
textures. TY!

Re: How to know when map has been loaded and drawn?


Something like:

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class CheckFullLoadedExample:MonoBehaviour
    private bool isTilesLoaded;
    private bool isRouteFound;
    private IEnumerator timeoutRoutine;

    private void Start()
        OnlineMapsTile.OnAllTilesLoaded += OnAllTilesLoaded;
        OnlineMapsGoogleDirections.Find("Los Angeles", "San Francisco").OnComplete += OnGoogleDirectionsComplete;

        // Time out if something wrong.
        // Strongly recommended.
        timeoutRoutine = FailedTimeout();

    private IEnumerator FailedTimeout()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(10);


    private void OnGoogleDirectionsComplete(string response)
        // Parse response
        // ...

        Debug.Log("Route found");
        isRouteFound = true;

    private void OnAllTilesLoaded()
        Debug.Log("All tiles loaded");
        OnlineMapsTile.OnAllTilesLoaded -= OnAllTilesLoaded;
        isTilesLoaded = true;

    private void CheckFullLoaded()
        if (isRouteFound && isTilesLoaded)
            Debug.Log("Full loaded");
            OnlineMaps.instance.OnMapUpdated += OnMapUpdated;

    private void OnMapUpdated()
        OnlineMaps.instance.OnMapUpdated -= OnMapUpdated;
        Debug.Log("The map is fully loaded and drawn.");
Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: How to know when map has been loaded and drawn?

Really thanks Alex!