Topic: Scale of tile displayed


I'm looking into the API and the expample for some times now but didnt fount the function I'm looking for. Sorry if the answer is some where in there..

I actually have a map displayed in a 3D world. Now i'm would like to know the scale factor between the km show on the map and the real world.
For example, if I have two vectors representing points on this map (say [0,0,0] and [0,0,1]) I can compute there difference and have their distance in the real world (1 meter). And know I would like to what 1 meter represent in the display map.
Is there any properties that we can access to have this scale factor or do we need to compute it by ourselves ?

Hope I'm clear enough on what I want

Best regards

Re: Scale of tile displayed


Example of how to make a size of the map 1:1 with the real world: … ample.html

If you just need scale factor, divide the size of the map in the scene by the distance between the corners of the map (as in the example).

Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: Scale of tile displayed

thanks for the quick answer !