Topic: How to retrieve location specific details (City, Country)

Yo Peeps.

We are using the following code as per the example on your site

 // Using Online Maps
    // Get user location using geo co-ordinates.
    public void GetLocationGeoCords()
        // Try find location name by coordinates.
        OnlineMapsGoogleAPIQuery query = OnlineMapsFindLocation.Find(null, -25.799320220947266f + "," + 28.264362335205078f);
        query.OnComplete += OnQueryComplete;

    // Using Online Maps
    // Callback function.
    private void OnQueryComplete(string s)
        // Show response in console.

This is the RAW XML result we are getting:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <formatted_address>337 Sandalwood Dr, Pretoria, 0049, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>Sandalwood Drive</long_name>
   <short_name>Sandalwood Dr</short_name>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Newlands, Pretoria, 0181, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Pretoria, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Pretoria, 0049, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Pretoria, 0181, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Tshwane, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Pretoria, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>Gauteng, South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
  <formatted_address>South Africa</formatted_address>
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>

we have tried parsing the RAW XML ourselves but have not been with no success.

We are only looking for the following information:
   <long_name>South Africa</long_name>
OR (Ideally)
   <formatted_address>Pretoria, South Africa</formatted_address>

How can we extract the required details from the raw response data?
thank you for your time.

Re: How to retrieve location specific details (City, Country)


Something like that:

OnlineMapsXML xml = OnlineMapsXML.Load(s);

OnlineMapsXML formatted_address = xml.Find("result[type = \"locality\"]/formatted_address");

// or

OnlineMapsXML localityResult = xml.Find("result[type = \"locality\"]");
OnlineMapsXML country = localityResult.Find("address_component[type = \"country\"]/long_name");
OnlineMapsXML locality = localityResult.Find("address_component[type = \"locality\"]/long_name");

if (!country.isNull && !locality.isNull)
    Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}, {1}", locality.Value(), country.Value()));
Kind Regards,
Infinity Code Team.

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Re: How to retrieve location specific details (City, Country)

your a ninja, what else is there to say.

Thank you, rock on!