Topic: zoom level & providers


i'm using online maps with ArcGIS provider.

When i'm zooming at max level, all the tiles become white. I would like to keep the old tiles instead of having a white map (even if the resolution of the tiles would be bad).

How can i achieve that ? Is there an easy way to prevent the tiles to update if zoomlvl > value ? Or is there a better way to deal with this problem ?


Re: zoom level & providers



using UnityEngine;

public class CheckArcGISTile : MonoBehaviour
    private Color emptyColor = new Color32(204, 204, 204, 255);

    private void Start()
        OnlineMapsTileManager.OnTileLoaded += OnTileLoaded;

    private void OnTileLoaded(OnlineMapsTile tile)
        Texture2D texture = tile.texture;
        Color c1 = texture.GetPixel(1, 1);
        Color c2 = texture.GetPixel(254, 254);

        if (c1 == emptyColor && c2 == emptyColor) tile.status = OnlineMapsTileStatus.error;
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